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  • 品牌名称雅士包包
  • 官方主页https://eminent.com/
  • 浏览次数3490
  • 更新日期:2018-08-09
 Understanding client’s needs, flexibility and innovation, and taking the lead in concept, design, and technology are the core values of the brand.

We believe in sustainability. Both in our long-term customer relationships and the quality of our products: every Eminent product has a 3-year warranty and replaceable parts. Eminent products are made to last. Eminent – a reliable partner

Our company is the first in the industry to have obtained the international ISO 9001: 2008 quality certificate. Responsibility and honor are tenets we adhere to; guaranteeing consistent quality and satisfying our customers’ needs are the two main goals we vigorously pursue. Hence we apply strict and thorough quality assurance and operating systems. From feedstock to manufacture, everything undergoes rigorous examination before shipment, with every step guided by EMINENT’s infinite diligence. In order to maintain the highest quality standards, all products must pass careful inspection before they leave the factory. Based on the spirit and the promise of pursuing the true, the good and the beautiful, we are constantly working a vast market and have thus created a brand loyalty of our customers towards EMINENT.

Our company’s products have repeatedly won the Excellence Award by the Ministry of Economic Affairs as well as the TAITRA Good Product Design Award. Other awards we have obtained are the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ National Top Ten Product Design Award, the Golden Pin Design Award as well as the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry’s Excellence Award. We know that only original designs satisfy our clients’ sophisticated tastes. From the proposal of a creative idea to the graphic design and mold development, right up to mass production and shipment: throughout the process, EMINENT is one step ahead of its competitors.

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  • 百丽鞋业
  • 雅士包包
  • 皇冠皮件
  • 新秀丽
  • 木林森集团
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